Same-Sex Marriage: Secular and Religious Views
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Published: 16 January 2019 | Article Type :Abstract
Through investigative and explorative research, it was uncovered that same-sex marriage could be the surest way to check overpopulation and to annihilate mankind from the world. If people everywhere do not marry naturally (male and female union), by fifty years time, the whole world population will drastically dwindle, diminish and hence leading to abrupt usurpation and annihilation of human beings in the next one hundred and twenty (120) years. It was found that one surpassing benefit which is primus inter pares in marriage is continuous procreation and fruitfulness and for that reason as same-sex marriage could not ensure continuous procreation; it would be expedient to kick it out from human society. It was suggested by many respondents that it would be highly beneficial to pray for all those in authority so that they would not be influenced negatively to make such decisions that are disgraceful, shameful and destructive to the present generation and posterity as a whole. Both secular and religious respondents did not endorse same-sex marriage but rather described it as loathsome, inhuman, degrading and destructive practice. It is highly incumbent upon all African countries to adopt a-long time or never-ending/timeless marriage law that prevents any African citizen to engage in same-sex marriage, without that, future leaders who may pursue personal aggrandisement or face some financial constraints, would be compelled to introduce same-sex marriage in African continent.
Keywords: Christian, Islamic, Jewish views, Same-sex marriage, Self-aggrandisement.

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How to Cite
Michael Owusu Tabiri. (2019-01-16). "Same-Sex Marriage: Secular and Religious Views." *Volume 3*, 1, 4-10